
How Invisalign Can Improve Your Smile?

A bright and confident smile goes a long way to boost a person’s positivity. People with teeth misalignments often wear braces for a long time which might make them feel unhappy about their look, even though the ultimate result is effective. To resolve this, recent times have seen a surge in the use of Invisalign. […]


Benefits of Ultrasonic Scalers for Teeth Cleaning

Gum disease can be a serious issue, and the earliest stages are the most crucial, yet most commonly overlooked. Ultrasonic scalers are used to remove tartar and plaque from the surface of the teeth, below the gum line, and between the teeth. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of ultrasonic scalers. What Is […]


How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

If you are considering pursuing dental implant treatment, you may be wondering how long you can expect the treatment to last. Continue reading to learn more. What Are Dental Implants? Dental implants are titanium devices that are placed directly into the jaw bone, much resembling a screw. Implants are designed to replace the natural tooth […]


Topical Fluoride Treatments at Wise Dental

Fluoride is a natural mineral that is found in different types of foods and water. Fluoride has been used by dentists for decades to help promote strong teeth and to prevent cavities. It also helps to support healthy tooth enamel, which is the outermost layer of the tooth that protects against cavities and harmful bacteria. […]


Dental Implants vs Bridges: Finding What’s Best for You

If you are looking to replace one or more missing teeth in the mouth, you may be wondering if you should pursue dental implants or dental bridges. Continue reading to learn more about each treatment method. What are Dental Implants? Dental implants are prosthetic titanium devices that are placed into the jaw bone. They are […]


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